Are you looking for truly unique gift for your wedding or event guests?
A memory that they will cherish for a long time?
Give themexperience of being painted by live painter!

Live painted portraits

What is this service about ?

Unique concept popular especially in USA

Are you looking for unique gift for your wedding guests that serves as part of program as well?

LIVE painting of portraits right at your wedding - painting of guests, newlyweds or moments of the day (ceremony, first dance, serving of wedding cake)...

  • Gift that wont end up forgotten in the drawer

    but will be present in homes of the guests

  • stylish memory

    which will bring up the memories of your wedding day

  • no long posing

    6-10 minutes and portrait is done!

stylish fashion portrait painted
in 6-10 minutes

  • Portraits are painted under 10 minutes

  • Option to customize the paintings by adding names of newlyweds, date, place or logo on the front or back of the cards

lifetime memory

  • Portraits are painted using high quallity aquarelle and pigments on heavy 300g cotton archive paper.

  • Size of the card -  A5, makes convinient little gift that can be part of households of guests without taking way too much of space.

  • Its possible to not only paint portraits of the guests, but also of the most important moments of the day - ceremony, wedding cake, first dance...



Most recent weddings, informations and videos can be found at my Instagram account gallery @malovana.svadba
frequently asked


What time is the best to book a painter at?

I visit most of the weddings right after dinner, and stay usually till 11pm.
It all depends on time schedule of your wedding, and if you would like only guest paintings, or also paintings of the moments.
If you are unsure, feel free to contact me with your time table and I will be happy to help.

I dont know how many hours should we book painter for

This decision depends on amount of guests you plan to invite to your wedding,
From my experience most of the wedding booked painter for less time than was demand of the guests at the end. I always count with this scenario, and if needed, extended time can be booked right on the spot.

Are illustrations signed?

The back side of each card has logo, year and signatur of the painter.
If you are interested in adding stamp with date, names, or any other sentence, its also possible.
If you have a custom logo made for your wedding, its possible to get custom made stamp. In that case, stamp can be put on front or the back of the card.

Feel free to contact me for price offer

live painting


Experience from live painting can be adjusted.

smaller events

  • Service ideal for events up to 50 people

  • Live painting of guests

bigger events

  • Service ideal for events with more than 50 people

  • Painting of guests from photographies taken on the spot

  • Guests can pick up their portraits from gallery additionally


Investment for live guest sketching starts from 400€ and includes preparation time in studio, set-up and take down time.
Travelling and accommodation expenses are calculated individually depending on destination.

Often used amount of hours depending on amount of guests:
Small wedding / event (20-30 guests) : 2 hours
Mid wedding / event (50-60 guests) : 3-4 hours
Bigger weddings / events (80-100 guests) : 4-5 hours
Big weddings / events (100+ guests) : 6 hours

Base package

2 hours of painting  (up to 20 portraits), suitable for smaller weddings

400 €

Extra hour

Each extra hour added to the base package.

150 €

Custom stamp

Add extra touch of personalization to guest paintings with cutom made stamp with logo of your wedding initials / brand / event.



Expenses for each km travelled from Bratislava (Slovakia) and back are calculated individually. I offer my services also in Czech Republic, Austria and Hungary. If you are interested in having me in any other country, please reach out for custom quote.


If painting is scheduled for the evening and wedding place is more than 1 hour of driving from BA (SK), accommodation fee is charged (depending on local prices of the hotels)

svadobný maliar

About painter

Mgr. Art Lenka Brabcová

  • Degree of Mgr. Art in design

  • 10 years of working as artist in the industry

  • Work as artist for various companies (Amazon, Skillshare, Fractal...)

  • Fluent in English


For price offer please fill in the form below, or contact me directly at dont forget to mention date and place of the wedding.



+421 948 800 242


IČO 53915470
83102 Bratislava-Nové Mesto
Sibírska 1596/5

contact form

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